Rights and Reproductions

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If you would like to reproduce any of Younghee Choi Martin’s work for any purpose, please contact:

Younghee Choi Martin
526 West 26th Street, #422
New York, NY 10001
Tel: (212) 691-8351

The content of this site is for personal and or educational use only. Neither text nor images maybe reproduced without permission. You may download content solely for your personal use for non- commercial purposes. You may not modify or further reproduce the content for any purpose whatsoever. You must request and obtain express permission from Younghee Choi Martin for all other uses of content.

Younghee Choi Martin

Since the late 1970’s, Younghee Choi Martin has lived and worked in Chelsea, where she was one of the earliest artists to establish a painting studio. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, she has been awarded painting fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the NY CAPS program.

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